Sunday, October 29, 2006

Experiments: Type on Buildings 02

Alvar Aalto, Villa Mairea Elevation


hellopanos said...

Another example of type application on buildings. This time on the original Technical Drawings (Elevation).

A representation of what is happening behind the surface of the building in terms of use of spaces. The viewer is able to understand the layout of the house before entering into it.

By substracting the drawing for type, we can see a composition of typographic elements (words) in a way that is instructed from the building setup. Therefore the type represents the building and could possibly be a standalone element for a graphical representation of its elevation. A typographical elevation.

mamute said...
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hellopanos said...

Thanx for the info mamute. Valuable information. Please keep up dropping any comments, ideas, suggestions.


mamute said...

its great to see monospace alive and kicking, explore things you really like, watching exciting results

cant wait to see more of the design process

check out

cause its a wicked site with pretty good works

theoretical works - manhattan transcripts for inspiration!

If this helps, lets make an interactive exchange of info since we are both mature students in terms of innovation and creativity

keep up the good work mono!

hellopanos said...

hehe :) thanx!