Thursday, April 12, 2007

the Underpass: Materials Research

Theatre Square Schouwbergplein / West 8 / Rotterdam

Maritime Youth Centre / PLOT Architects / Copenhagen

Westblaak Skate Park/ Rotterdam
Memorial Bridge / 3LHD Architects / Croatia
Brogard Square / SLA Landscape Architects / Copenhagen
Blue Carpet / Thomas Heatherwick Studio / Newcastle, UK


Anonymous said...

I love the shadows of the memorial bridge and the black floor element that seems to be part of reminds me of our shadow play at FACT in Liverpool Biennial...

Unknown said...

Er, Westblaak skate park is in Rotterdam, not London. You can kind of tell from the name if nothing else - does westblaak sound like English or Dutch to you?

hellopanos said...

Thank you for this Harry. Should be fine now.