Monday, September 10, 2007


The exhibition is up and running now. Hooray!
One week left for the assessment and next Monday we meet the external examiners for the last assessment.

So is it over?
Unfortunately yes.

I promised myself to continue working on certain subjects. There is still Colonel's Walk (the Underpass) that we are developing through Spawforths, amazonails that myself and Pandora are working and of course the book that I want to finish and print, so I guess it is not over yet. University is though and those great Wednesday brakes are sure to be missed.

I hope I will continue posting a few things every now and then, the progress of the book and the Underpass and any kind of interesting links for inspiring works around the world.
Let's keep in touch!


Anonymous said...

mao tse tung said...

cons bro - do not dare to stop ;)

hellopanos said...

eraser, your first link makes me wanna lick my screen. mmm...

Anonymous said...


mamute said...

this installation really reflects high quality standards in terms of aesthetic...

hellopanos said...

I hope in terms of content too! thanx mute :)

Anonymous said...

when you get a chance
take a look at the INDEX blog
perhaps you might like to contribute


Anonymous said...

just got back from sofia.

we designing the index book.
any contribution on audio-visual is welcome.

hellopanos said...

yes, I am really interested on contributing.
Do you have any particular subject/ brief/ format?

send me an email on if you want to talk in private ..
