Saturday, August 18, 2007

Experiments: photos & vinyl

I keep on coming back at these photos. Today playing with vinyl cut and stuck on top of a print. The feeling of the mat vinyl on top of the glossy paper has some really nice qualities. I don't really know what I want to do with these photos but it is an interesting process.

you can see previous posts about them here and here


Anonymous said...

hellopanos said...

This is really interesting and I was aware of these (great) covers but somehow had forgotten about them. I don't know if I subconsciously was trying to copy them but I guess I am looking at something else except just the aesthetics of a coloured surface on a photo.

great similarities though and thanks for pointing this out.

Some feedback would be interesting or maybe I should just assume you think it is just a copy of the original artwork you pointed me to?


Anonymous said...

A good composer does not imitate; he steals.
Igor Stravinsky

Stealing is divine
atom heart

Talent borrows, genius steals
Oscar Wild

more soon

Anonymous said...

it' s so good that you still experiment with real materials. keep the frequency clear!

hellopanos said...

heh, thanx. Thank you for the comments in general. It's good to know that someone IS looking at these things.
I don't know if you still have the impression that they are stolen but don't know how I could prove the opposite.
Afterall I think is where you get with some ideas and how far you expand them. If the starting point is the end of something else, I don't see anything wrong with that.

As for the real materials, I think is great joy to take our eyes of screen every now and then. back to basics I guess..

come again ;)

Anonymous said...

there is not such thing as parthenogenesis.

as grafik designers (modern koptoraptoudes) we have to look around for inspiration and patterns.

also check

Anonymous said...

do you know

Anonymous said...

chek it aut as vell, and google my new pseudonym.

hope it doesn't rain in this bloody island at this time of the year

hellopanos said...

heh, I was looking again a couple of days ago the lost formats and was thinking what a great idea this is.
I love experimentaljetset stuff. They are amazing..

as for the rain, it does. not today but was last night, and the night before, and the night before, and..

hellopanos said...

what great feedback you gave me today. Super inspiring stuff,

alan kitching, the curta calculator, the warp stuff, experimental jetset, lessrain. very nice.

thanks a lot. I wish I could see some of your stuff. Are you from greece? I assumed so but not very sure ;)

thanx once more. Most interesting links.!