Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Table: Final Screenprinting

Today I spent the whole day at the Leeds Met Printmaking studios printing for the last time on the Table. This time it was the final part of the project (well almost) and we printed the data of the whole project (people involved, cost, dates, table data etc) on the four sides. It was a challenging process as we could not place the table on the printers so it had to be done on the floor. Dick and Sarah were there and once more they were of great help with all the printing. Unfortunately almost at the end of the day, while we were trying to print on the fourth side, we had a small accident and one of the legs came off! Nothing major though as the table is already in the woodworking studios and the nice people there will fix it for next week.
That’s all for now; back to the poster and the learning agreement..


Anonymous said...

check the work of alan kitching

hellopanos said...

this is great info. thank you. I will have a look tonight but with a first quick look on the internet it looks fantastic.

Anonymous said...

alan was one ov ma tutors...

stealing is still divine...