Sunday, November 12, 2006

Experiments: Exploding Helvetica

1 comment:

hellopanos said...

Another example of deconstructing a typeface. This time Helvetica.
A process where each letter is divided on a square grid and then divided to smaller pieces. At the end of the 20 frames, each piece is rotated 180ยบ resulting on an abstract image, an alteration of the primitive letter.
Continuing the process, we apply the initial letter on a layer above the resulting image and subtract the exceeding pieces.
The result is a modification of the typeface and the creation of a new one as a result of further development and experimentation.
A game of architectural processes inspired from deconstructing elements of an existing primitive. Nevertheless an exiting process without particular results, discovering new grids, and subdivisions of what sometimes we assume to be the primitive element.