Monday, November 27, 2006

Research: Developing House X Typography


hellopanos said...

Some sketches and ideas developments, working on the axonometric drawing of House X by Peter Eisenman.
Trying to apply typography on the same grid systems that Eisenman used for this house, results on various interesting ideas.
The title 'Peter Eisenman House X' can be placed on either of the three main axis (x,y,z) or stimulatingly in all of them.
An attempt of a graphical representation of the house's grids, systems and concepts through typography.
The typeface should be deconstructed and applied on the architectural forms of this extremely complex house.
Results coming soon ..

Anonymous said...

Very intresting. I am impressed by your ideas but more than that I like the way you explore them. I like Eisenman's work (even though I have some second thoughts about his architectural explorations) and therefore I hope to see more of your work soon.

waiting for those results... :-)